Source code for pypop7.optimizers.ds.powell

import numpy as np

from pypop7.optimizers.ds.ds import DS

def _minimize_scalar_bounded(func, bounds,
                             max_function_evaluations, fitness_threshold,
                             tol=1e-5, max_iterations=500):
    # this is adopted from
    #   with slight modifications
    n_function_evaluations, num_iterations, yy = 0, 0, []
    a, b = bounds
    sqrt_eps, golden_mean = 1.4832396974191326e-08, 0.3819660112501051
    gm = a + golden_mean*(b - a)
    gm_1 = gm_2 = gm
    rat = e = 0.0
    y = func(gm_2)
    n_function_evaluations += 1
    if (n_function_evaluations == max_function_evaluations) or (y < fitness_threshold):
        return y, gm_2, yy
    y_1 = y_2 = y
    middle = 0.5*(a + b)
    tol_1 = sqrt_eps*np.abs(gm_2) + tol/3.0
    tol_2 = 2.0*tol_1
    while np.abs(gm_2 - middle) > (tol_2 - 0.5*(b - a)):
        golden = 1
        if np.abs(e) > tol_1:
            golden = 0
            r = (gm_2 - gm_1)*(y - y_1)
            q = (gm_2 - gm)*(y - y_2)
            p = (gm_2 - gm)*q - (gm_2 - gm_1)*r
            q = 2.0*(q - r)
            if q > 0.0:
                p = -p
            q = np.abs(q)
            r = e
            e = rat
            if (np.abs(p) < np.abs(0.5*q*r)) and (p > q*(a - gm_2)) and (p < q*(b - gm_2)):
                rat = (p + 0.0)/q
                x = gm_2 + rat
                if ((x - a) < tol_2) or ((b - x) < tol_2):
                    rat = tol_1*(np.sign(middle - gm_2) + ((middle - gm_2) == 0))
                golden = 1
        if golden:
            if gm_2 >= middle:
                e = a - gm_2
                e = b - gm_2
            rat = golden_mean*e
        x = gm_2 + (np.sign(rat) + (rat == 0))*np.maximum(np.abs(rat), tol_1)
        yyy = func(x)
        n_function_evaluations += 1
        if (n_function_evaluations == max_function_evaluations) or (y < fitness_threshold):
            return y, gm_2, yy
        if yyy <= y:
            if x >= gm_2:
                a = gm_2
                b = gm_2
            gm, y_1 = gm_1, y_2
            gm_1, y_2 = gm_2, y
            gm_2, y = x, yyy
            if x < gm_2:
                a = x
                b = x
            if (yyy <= y_2) or (gm_1 == gm_2):
                gm, y_1 = gm_1, y_2
                gm_1, y_2 = x, yyy
            elif (yyy <= y_1) or (gm == gm_2) or (gm == gm_1):
                gm, y_1 = x, yyy
        middle = 0.5*(a + b)
        tol_1 = sqrt_eps*np.abs(gm_2) + tol/3.0
        tol_2 = 2.0*tol_1
        num_iterations += 1
        if num_iterations == max_iterations - 1:
    return y, gm_2, yy

def _line_for_search(x0, alpha, lb, ub):
    # this is adopted from
    nonzero, = alpha.nonzero()
    lb, ub = lb[nonzero], ub[nonzero]
    x0, alpha = x0[nonzero], alpha[nonzero]
    low, high = (lb - x0)/alpha, (ub - x0)/alpha
    pos = alpha > 0
    min_pos, min_neg = np.where(pos, low, 0), np.where(pos, 0, high)
    max_pos, max_neg = np.where(pos, high, 0), np.where(pos, 0, low)
    l_min, l_max = np.max(min_pos + min_neg), np.min(max_pos + max_neg)
    return (l_min, l_max) if l_max >= l_min else (0, 0)

[docs]class POWELL(DS): """Powell's search method (POWELL). .. note:: This is a wrapper of the Powell algorithm from `SciPy <>`_ with accuracy control of maximum of function evaluations. Parameters ---------- problem : dict problem arguments with the following common settings (`keys`): * 'fitness_function' - objective function to be **minimized** (`func`), * 'ndim_problem' - number of dimensionality (`int`), * 'upper_boundary' - upper boundary of search range (`array_like`), * 'lower_boundary' - lower boundary of search range (`array_like`). options : dict optimizer options with the following common settings (`keys`): * 'max_function_evaluations' - maximum of function evaluations (`int`, default: `np.Inf`), * 'max_runtime' - maximal runtime to be allowed (`float`, default: `np.Inf`), * 'seed_rng' - seed for random number generation needed to be *explicitly* set (`int`); and with the following particular settings (`keys`): * 'x' - initial (starting) point (`array_like`), * if not given, it will draw a random sample from the uniform distribution whose search range is bounded by `problem['lower_boundary']` and `problem['upper_boundary']`. Examples -------- Use the optimizer to minimize the well-known test function `Rosenbrock <>`_: .. code-block:: python :linenos: >>> import numpy >>> from pypop7.benchmarks.base_functions import rosenbrock # function to be minimized >>> from pypop7.optimizers.ds.powell import POWELL >>> problem = {'fitness_function': rosenbrock, # define problem arguments ... 'ndim_problem': 20, ... 'lower_boundary': -5*numpy.ones((20,)), ... 'upper_boundary': 5*numpy.ones((20,))} >>> options = {'max_function_evaluations': 5000, # set optimizer options ... 'seed_rng': 2022, ... 'x': 3*numpy.ones((20,)), ... 'verbose_frequency': 500} >>> powell = POWELL(problem, options) # initialize the optimizer class >>> results = powell.optimize() # run the optimization process >>> # return the number of function evaluations and best-so-far fitness >>> print(f"POWELL: {results['n_function_evaluations']}, {results['best_so_far_y']}") POWELL: 50000, 0.0 For its correctness checking of coding, refer to `this code-based repeatability report <>`_ for more details. Attributes ---------- x : `array_like` initial (starting) point. References ---------- Kochenderfer, M.J. and Wheeler, T.A., 2019. Algorithms for optimization. MIT Press. (See Algorithm 7.3 (Page 102) for details.) Powell, M.J., 1964. An efficient method for finding the minimum of a function of several variables without calculating derivatives. The Computer Journal, 7(2), pp.155-162. """ def __init__(self, problem, options): DS.__init__(self, problem, options) self._func = None # only for inner line searcher def initialize(self, args=None, is_restart=False): x = self._initialize_x(is_restart) # initial (starting) search point y = self._evaluate_fitness(x, args) # fitness u = np.identity(self.ndim_problem) def _wrapper(xx): return self._evaluate_fitness(xx, args) self._func = _wrapper return x, y, u, y def _line_search(self, x, d, tol=1e-4*100): def _func(alpha): # only for line search return self._func(x + alpha*d) bound = _line_for_search(x, d, self.lower_boundary, self.upper_boundary) y, gm, yy = _minimize_scalar_bounded(_func, bound, self.max_function_evaluations - self.n_function_evaluations, self.fitness_threshold, tol/100.0) d *= gm return y, x + d, d, yy def iterate(self, x=None, y=None, u=None, args=None): xx, yy = np.copy(x), np.copy(y) big_ind, delta, ys = 0, 0.0, [] for i in range(self.ndim_problem): if self._check_terminations(): return x, y, u, ys d, diff = u[i], y y, x, d, fitness = self._line_search(x, d) ys.extend(fitness) diff -= y if diff > delta: delta, big_ind = diff, i d = x - xx # extrapolated point _, ratio_e = _line_for_search(x, d, self.lower_boundary, self.upper_boundary) xxx = x + min(ratio_e, 1.0)*d yyy = self.fitness_function(xxx) if yy > yyy: t, temp = 2.0*(yy + yyy - 2.0*y), yy - y - delta t *= np.square(temp) temp = yy - yyy t -= delta*np.square(temp) if t < 0.0: y, x, d, fitness = self._line_search(x, d) ys.extend(fitness) if np.any(d): u[big_ind] = u[-1] u[-1] = d self._n_generations += 1 return x, y, u, ys def optimize(self, fitness_function=None, args=None): fitness = DS.optimize(self, fitness_function) x, y, u, yy = self.initialize(args) while not self.termination_signal: self._print_verbose_info(fitness, yy) x, y, u, yy = self.iterate(x, y, u, args) results = self._collect(fitness, yy) return results