Source code for

import numpy as np

from pypop7.optimizers.core.optimizer import Optimizer

[docs]class ES(Optimizer): """Evolution Strategies (ES). This is the **abstract** class for all `ES` classes. Please use any of its instantiated subclasses to optimize the black-box problem at hand. .. note:: `ES` are a well-established family of randomized **population-based** search algorithms, proposed by two German computer scientists Ingo Rechenberg and Hans-Paul Schwefel (two recipients of `IEEE Evolutionary Computation Pioneer Award 2002 <>`_). One key property of `ES` is **adaptability of strategy parameters**, which generally can *significantly* accelerate the (local) convergence rate. Recently, the **theoretical foundation** of its most representative (modern) version called **CMA-ES** has been well built on the `Information-Geometric Optimization (IGO) <>`_ framework via **invariance** principles (inspired by `NES <>`_). According to the latest `Nature <>`_ review, **"the CMA-ES algorithm is widely regarded as the state of the art in numerical optimization"**. Parameters ---------- problem : dict problem arguments with the following common settings (`keys`): * 'fitness_function' - objective function to be **minimized** (`func`), * 'ndim_problem' - number of dimensionality (`int`), * 'upper_boundary' - upper boundary of search range (`array_like`), * 'lower_boundary' - lower boundary of search range (`array_like`). options : dict optimizer options with the following common settings (`keys`): * 'max_function_evaluations' - maximum of function evaluations (`int`, default: `np.Inf`), * 'max_runtime' - maximal runtime to be allowed (`float`, default: `np.Inf`), * 'seed_rng' - seed for random number generation needed to be *explicitly* set (`int`); and with the following particular settings (`keys`): * 'n_individuals' - number of offspring/descendants, aka offspring population size (`int`), * 'n_parents' - number of parents/ancestors, aka parental population size (`int`), * 'mean' - initial (starting) point (`array_like`), * if not given, it will draw a random sample from the uniform distribution whose search range is bounded by `problem['lower_boundary']` and `problem['upper_boundary']`. * 'sigma' - initial global step-size, aka mutation strength (`float`). Attributes ---------- mean : `array_like` initial (starting) point, aka mean of Gaussian search/sampling/mutation distribution. n_individuals : `int` number of offspring/descendants, aka offspring population size. n_parents : `int` number of parents/ancestors, aka parental population size. sigma : `float` global step-size, aka mutation strength (i.e., overall std of Gaussian search distribution). Methods ------- References ---------- Ollivier, Y., Arnold, L., Auger, A. and Hansen, N., 2017. Information-geometric optimization algorithms: A unifying picture via invariance principles. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 18(18), pp.1-65. Hansen, N., Arnold, D.V. and Auger, A., 2015. Evolution strategies. In Springer Handbook of Computational Intelligence (pp. 871-898). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. Bäck, T., Foussette, C., & Krause, P. (2013). Contemporary evolution strategies. Berlin: Springer. Beyer, H.G. and Schwefel, H.P., 2002. Evolution strategies–A comprehensive introduction. Natural Computing, 1(1), pp.3-52. Rechenberg, I., 2000. Case studies in evolutionary experimentation and computation. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 186(2-4), pp.125-140. Rechenberg, I., 1989. Evolution strategy: Nature’s way of optimization. In Optimization: Methods and Applications, Possibilities and Limitations (pp. 106-126). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. Schwefel, H.P., 1988. Collective intelligence in evolving systems. In Ecodynamics (pp. 95-100). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. Schwefel, H.P., 1984. Evolution strategies: A family of non-linear optimization techniques based on imitating some principles of organic evolution. Annals of Operations Research, 1(2), pp.165-167. Rechenberg, I., 1984. The evolution strategy. A mathematical model of darwinian evolution. In Synergetics—from Microscopic to Macroscopic Order (pp. 122-132). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. """ def __init__(self, problem, options): Optimizer.__init__(self, problem, options) # population size, sample size, number of offspring (Nikolaus Hansen, 2023) if self.n_individuals is None: # number of offspring (λ: lambda), offspring population size self.n_individuals = 4 + int(3*np.log(self.ndim_problem)) # only for small populations setting assert self.n_individuals > 0, f'`self.n_individuals` = {self.n_individuals}, but should > 0.' # parent number, number of (positively) selected search points in the population, # number of strictly positive recombination weights (Nikolaus Hansen, 2023) if self.n_parents is None: # number of parents (μ: mu), parental population size self.n_parents = int(self.n_individuals/2) assert self.n_parents <= self.n_individuals,\ f'self.n_parents (== {self.n_parents}) should <= self.n_individuals (== {self.n_individuals})' if self.n_parents > 1: self._w, self._mu_eff = self._compute_weights() self._e_chi = np.sqrt(self.ndim_problem)*( # E[||N(0,I)||]: expectation of chi distribution 1.0 - 1.0/(4.0*self.ndim_problem) + 1.0/(21.0*np.square(self.ndim_problem))) assert self.n_parents > 0, f'`self.n_parents` = {self.n_parents}, but should > 0.' self.mean = options.get('mean') # mean of Gaussian search/sampling/mutation distribution if self.mean is None: # `mean` overwrites `x` if both are set self.mean = options.get('x') # "overall" standard deviation, mutation strength (Nikolaus Hansen, 2023; Hans-Georg Beyer, 2017) self.sigma = options.get('sigma') # global step-size (σ) assert self.sigma > 0, f'`self.sigma` = {self.sigma}, but should > 0.' self.lr_mean = options.get('lr_mean') # learning rate of mean update assert self.lr_mean is None or self.lr_mean > 0,\ f'`self.lr_mean` = {self.lr_mean}, but should > 0.' self.lr_sigma = options.get('lr_sigma') # learning rate of sigma update assert self.lr_sigma is None or self.lr_sigma > 0,\ f'`self.lr_sigma` = {self.lr_sigma}, but should > 0.' self._printed_evaluations = self.n_function_evaluations # set options for *restart* self._n_restart = 0 # only for restart self._n_generations = 0 # number of generations self._list_generations = [] # list of number of generations for all restarts self._list_fitness = [self.best_so_far_y] # only for restart self._list_initial_mean = [] # list of mean for each restart self.sigma_threshold = options.get('sigma_threshold', 1e-12) # stopping threshold of sigma self.stagnation = options.get('stagnation', int(10 + np.ceil(30*self.ndim_problem/self.n_individuals))) self.fitness_diff = options.get('fitness_diff', 1e-12) # stopping threshold of fitness difference self._sigma_bak = np.copy(self.sigma) # initial global step-size -> only for restart def _compute_weights(self): # unify these following settings in the base class for *consistency* and *simplicity* w_base, w = np.log((self.n_individuals + 1.0)/2.0), np.log(np.arange(self.n_parents) + 1.0) # positive weight coefficients for weighted intermediate recombination (Nikolaus Hansen, 2023) # [assigning different weights should be interpreted as a selection mechanism] w = (w_base - w)/(self.n_parents*w_base - np.sum(w)) # variance effective selection mass (Nikolaus Hansen, 2023) # effective sample size of the selected samples mu_eff = 1.0/np.sum(np.square(w)) # μ_eff (μ_w) return w, mu_eff def initialize(self): raise NotImplementedError def iterate(self): raise NotImplementedError def _initialize_mean(self, is_restart=False): if is_restart or (self.mean is None): mean = self.rng_initialization.uniform(self.initial_lower_boundary, self.initial_upper_boundary) else: mean = np.copy(self.mean) self.mean = np.copy(mean) return mean def _print_verbose_info(self, fitness, y, is_print=False): if y is not None: if self.saving_fitness: if not np.isscalar(y): fitness.extend(y) else: fitness.append(y) if self.verbose: is_verbose = self._printed_evaluations != self.n_function_evaluations # to avoid repeated printing is_verbose_1 = (not self._n_generations % self.verbose) and is_verbose is_verbose_2 = self.termination_signal > 0 and is_verbose is_verbose_3 = is_print and is_verbose if is_verbose_1 or is_verbose_2 or is_verbose_3: info = ' * Generation {:d}: best_so_far_y {:7.5e}, min(y) {:7.5e} & Evaluations {:d}' print(info.format(self._n_generations, self.best_so_far_y, np.min(y), self.n_function_evaluations)) self._printed_evaluations = self.n_function_evaluations def restart_reinitialize(self, y): min_y = np.min(y) if min_y < self._list_fitness[-1]: self._list_fitness.append(min_y) else: self._list_fitness.append(self._list_fitness[-1]) is_restart_1, is_restart_2 = self.sigma < self.sigma_threshold, False if len(self._list_fitness) >= self.stagnation: is_restart_2 = (self._list_fitness[-self.stagnation] - self._list_fitness[-1]) < self.fitness_diff is_restart = bool(is_restart_1) or bool(is_restart_2) if is_restart: self._print_verbose_info([], y, True) if self.verbose: print(' ....... *** restart *** .......') self._n_restart += 1 self._list_generations.append(self._n_generations) # for each restart self._n_generations = 0 self._list_fitness = [np.Inf] self.sigma = np.copy(self._sigma_bak) self.n_individuals *= 2 self.n_parents = int(self.n_individuals/2) if self.n_parents > 1: self._w, self._mu_eff = self._compute_weights() return is_restart def _collect(self, fitness=None, y=None, mean=None): self._print_verbose_info(fitness, y) results = Optimizer._collect(self, fitness) results['mean'] = mean # final mean of search distribution results['initial_mean'] = self.mean # initial mean of search distribution results['_list_initial_mean'] = self._list_initial_mean # list of initial mean for each restart # by default, do NOT save covariance matrix of search distribution in order to save memory, # owing to its *quadratic* space complexity results['sigma'] = self.sigma # only global step-size of search distribution results['_n_restart'] = self._n_restart # number of restart results['_n_generations'] = self._n_generations # number of generations results['_list_generations'] = self._list_generations # list of number of generations for each restart return results