Source code for

from import RS

[docs]class SA(RS): """Simulated Annealing (SA). This is the **abstract** class for all `SA` classes. Please use any of its instantiated subclasses to optimize the black-box problem at hand. .. note:: `"Typical advantages of SA algorithms are their very mild memory requirements and the small computational effort per iteration."---[Bouttier&Gavra, 2019, JMLR] <>`_ `"The SA algorithm can also be viewed as a local search algorithm in which there are occasional upward moves that lead to a cost increase. One hopes that such upward moves will help escape from local minima."---[Bertsimas&Tsitsiklis, 1993, Statistical Science] <>`_ Parameters ---------- problem : dict problem arguments with the following common settings (`keys`): * 'fitness_function' - objective function to be **minimized** (`func`), * 'ndim_problem' - number of dimensionality (`int`), * 'upper_boundary' - upper boundary of search range (`array_like`), * 'lower_boundary' - lower boundary of search range (`array_like`). options : dict optimizer options with the following common settings (`keys`): * 'max_function_evaluations' - maximum of function evaluations (`int`, default: `np.Inf`), * 'max_runtime' - maximal runtime to be allowed (`float`, default: `np.Inf`), * 'seed_rng' - seed for random number generation needed to be *explicitly* set (`int`); and with the following particular settings (`keys`): * 'temperature' - annealing temperature (`float`), * 'x' - initial (starting) point (`array_like`). Attributes ---------- temperature : `float` annealing temperature. x : `array_like` initial (starting) point. Methods ------- References ---------- Bouttier, C. and Gavra, I., 2019. Convergence rate of a simulated annealing algorithm with noisy observations. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 20(1), pp.127-171. Siarry, P., Berthiau, G., Durdin, F. and Haussy, J., 1997. Enhanced simulated annealing for globally minimizing functions of many-continuous variables. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 23(2), pp.209-228. Bertsimas, D. and Tsitsiklis, J., 1993. Simulated annealing. Statistical Science, 8(1), pp.10-15. Corana, A., Marchesi, M., Martini, C. and Ridella, S., 1987. Minimizing multimodal functions of continuous variables with the "simulated annealing" algorithm. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 13(3), pp.262-280. Szu, H.H. and Hartley, R.L., 1987. `Nonconvex optimization by fast simulated annealing. <>`_ Proceedings of the IEEE, 75(11), pp.1538-1540. Kirkpatrick, S., Gelatt, C.D. and Vecchi, M.P., 1983. Optimization by simulated annealing. Science, 220(4598), pp.671-680. Hastings, W.K., 1970. Monte Carlo sampling methods using Markov chains and their applications. Biometrika, 57(1), pp.97-109. Metropolis, N., Rosenbluth, A.W., Rosenbluth, M.N., Teller, A.H. and Teller, E., 1953. Equation of state calculations by fast computing machines. Journal of Chemical Physics, 21(6), pp.1087-1092. """ def __init__(self, problem, options): RS.__init__(self, problem, options) self.temperature = options.get('temperature') # annealing temperature self.parent_x, self.parent_y = None, None def initialize(self): raise NotImplementedError def iterate(self): # for each iteration (generation) raise NotImplementedError