Source code for pypop7.optimizers.ds.gps

import numpy as np

from pypop7.optimizers.ds.ds import DS

[docs]class GPS(DS): """Generalized Pattern Search (GPS). .. note:: `"To converge to a local minimum, certain conditions must be met. The set of directions must be a positive spanning set, which means that we can construct any point using a nonnegative linear combination of the directions. A positive spanning set ensures that at least one of the directions is a descent direction from a location with a nonzero gradient."---[Kochenderfer&Wheeler, 2019] <>`_ Parameters ---------- problem : dict problem arguments with the following common settings (`keys`): * 'fitness_function' - objective function to be **minimized** (`func`), * 'ndim_problem' - number of dimensionality (`int`), * 'upper_boundary' - upper boundary of search range (`array_like`), * 'lower_boundary' - lower boundary of search range (`array_like`). options : dict optimizer options with the following common settings (`keys`): * 'max_function_evaluations' - maximum of function evaluations (`int`, default: `np.Inf`), * 'max_runtime' - maximal runtime to be allowed (`float`, default: `np.Inf`), * 'seed_rng' - seed for random number generation needed to be *explicitly* set (`int`); and with the following particular settings (`keys`): * 'sigma' - initial global step-size (`float`, default: `1.0`), * 'x' - initial (starting) point (`array_like`), * if not given, it will draw a random sample from the uniform distribution whose search range is bounded by `problem['lower_boundary']` and `problem['upper_boundary']`. * 'gamma' - decreasing factor of step-size (`float`, default: `0.5`). Examples -------- Use the optimizer to minimize the well-known test function `Rosenbrock <>`_: .. code-block:: python :linenos: >>> import numpy >>> from pypop7.benchmarks.base_functions import rosenbrock # function to be minimized >>> from pypop7.optimizers.ds.gps import GPS >>> problem = {'fitness_function': rosenbrock, # define problem arguments ... 'ndim_problem': 2, ... 'lower_boundary': -5*numpy.ones((2,)), ... 'upper_boundary': 5*numpy.ones((2,))} >>> options = {'max_function_evaluations': 5000, # set optimizer options ... 'seed_rng': 2022, ... 'x': 3*numpy.ones((2,)), ... 'sigma': 0.1, ... 'verbose_frequency': 500} >>> gps = GPS(problem, options) # initialize the optimizer class >>> results = gps.optimize() # run the optimization process >>> # return the number of function evaluations and best-so-far fitness >>> print(f"GPS: {results['n_function_evaluations']}, {results['best_so_far_y']}") GPS: 5000, 0.6182686369768672 Attributes ---------- gamma : `float` decreasing factor of step-size. sigma : `float` final global step-size (changed during optimization). x : `array_like` initial (starting) point. References ---------- Kochenderfer, M.J. and Wheeler, T.A., 2019. Algorithms for optimization. MIT Press. (See Algorithm 7.6 (Page 106) for details.) Regis, R.G., 2016. On the properties of positive spanning sets and positive bases. Optimization and Engineering, 17(1), pp.229-262. Torczon, V., 1997. On the convergence of pattern search algorithms. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 7(1), pp.1-25. """ def __init__(self, problem, options): DS.__init__(self, problem, options) self.gamma = options.get('gamma', 0.5) # decreasing factor of step-size (γ) def initialize(self, args=None, is_restart=False): x = self._initialize_x(is_restart) # initial point y = self._evaluate_fitness(x, args) # fitness # set random directions d = self.rng_initialization.standard_normal(size=(self.ndim_problem + 1, self.ndim_problem)) i_d = [i for i in range(d.shape[0])] # index of used directions return x, y, d, i_d def iterate(self, x=None, d=None, i_d=None, args=None): improved, best_so_far_y, fitness = False, self.best_so_far_y, [] for i in range(d.shape[0]): if self._check_terminations(): return i_d, fitness x = self.best_so_far_x + self.sigma*d[i_d[i]] # opportunistic y = self._evaluate_fitness(x, args) fitness.append(y) if y < best_so_far_y: improved = True i_d = [i_d[i]] + i_d[:i] + i_d[(i + 1):] # dynamic ordering break if not improved: self.sigma *= self.gamma # alpha return i_d, fitness def restart_reinitialize(self, args=None, x=None, y=None, d=None, i_d=None, fitness=None): self._fitness_list.append(self.best_so_far_y) is_restart_1, is_restart_2 = self.sigma < self.sigma_threshold, False if len(self._fitness_list) >= self.stagnation: is_restart_2 = (self._fitness_list[-self.stagnation] - self._fitness_list[-1]) < self.fitness_diff is_restart = bool(is_restart_1) or bool(is_restart_2) if is_restart: self._print_verbose_info(fitness, y) self.sigma = np.copy(self._sigma_bak) x, y, d, i_d = self.initialize(args, is_restart) self._fitness_list = [self.best_so_far_y] self._n_generations = 0 self._n_restart += 1 if self.verbose: print(' ....... *** restart *** .......') return x, y, d, i_d def optimize(self, fitness_function=None, args=None): fitness = DS.optimize(self, fitness_function) x, y, d, i_d = self.initialize(args) while True: self._print_verbose_info(fitness, y) i_d, y = self.iterate(x, d, i_d, args) if self._check_terminations(): break self._n_generations += 1 if self.is_restart: x, y, d, i_d = self.restart_reinitialize(args, x, y, d, i_d, fitness) return self._collect(fitness, y)