Enhanced Simulated Annealing (ESA)

class pypop7.optimizers.sa.esa.ESA(problem, options)[source]

Enhanced Simulated Annealing (ESA).


ESA adopts a random decomposition strategy to alleviate the curse of dimensionality for large-scale black-box optimization. Note that it shares some similaries (i.e., axis-parallel decomposition) to the Cooperative Coevolution framework, which uses population-based sampling (rather than individual-based sampling of ESA) for each subproblem (corresponding to a search subspace).

  • problem (dict) –

    problem arguments with the following common settings (keys):
    • ’fitness_function’ - objective function to be minimized (func),

    • ’ndim_problem’ - number of dimensionality (int),

    • ’upper_boundary’ - upper boundary of search range (array_like),

    • ’lower_boundary’ - lower boundary of search range (array_like).

  • options (dict) –

    optimizer options with the following common settings (keys):
    • ’max_function_evaluations’ - maximum of function evaluations (int, default: np.Inf),

    • ’max_runtime’ - maximal runtime to be allowed (float, default: np.Inf),

    • ’seed_rng’ - seed for random number generation needed to be explicitly set (int);

    and with the following particular settings (keys):
    • ’p’ - subspace dimension (int, default: int(np.ceil(problem[‘ndim_problem’]/3))),

    • ’n1’ - factor to control temperature stage w.r.t. accepted moves (int, default: 12),

    • ’n2’ - factor to control temperature stage w.r.t. attempted moves (int, default: 100).


Use the optimizer to minimize the well-known test function Rosenbrock:

 1>>> import numpy  # engine for numerical computing
 2>>> from pypop7.benchmarks.base_functions import rosenbrock  # function to be minimized
 3>>> from pypop7.optimizers.sa.esa import ESA
 4>>> problem = {'fitness_function': rosenbrock,  # define problem arguments
 5...            'ndim_problem': 2,
 6...            'lower_boundary': -5*numpy.ones((2,)),
 7...            'upper_boundary': 5*numpy.ones((2,))}
 8>>> options = {'max_function_evaluations': 5000,  # set optimizer options
 9...            'seed_rng': 2022,
10...            'x': 3*numpy.ones((2,))}
11>>> esa = ESA(problem, options)  # initialize the optimizer class
12>>> results = esa.optimize()  # run the optimization process
13>>> # return the number of function evaluations and best-so-far fitness
14>>> print(f"ESA: {results['n_function_evaluations']}, {results['best_so_far_y']}")
15ESA: 5000, 6.481109148014023

For its correctness checking of coding, refer to this code-based repeatability report for more details.


factor to control temperature stage w.r.t. accepted moves.




factor to control temperature stage w.r.t. attempted moves.




subspace dimension.




Siarry, P., Berthiau, G., Durdin, F. and Haussy, J., 1997. Enhanced simulated annealing for globally minimizing functions of many-continuous variables. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 23(2), pp.209-228. https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/264029.264043