Fast Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (FMAES)

class, options)[source]

Fast Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (FMAES).


FMAES is a more efficient implementation of MAES with quadractic time complexity w.r.t. each sampling, which replaces the computationally expensive matrix-matrix multiplication (cubic time complexity) with the combination of matrix-matrix addition and matrix-vector multiplication (quadractic time complexity) for transformation matrix adaptation. It is highly recommended to first attempt more advanced ES variants (e.g., LMCMA, LMMAES) for large-scale black-box optimization, since FMAES still has a computationally intensive quadratic time complexity.

  • problem (dict) –

    problem arguments with the following common settings (keys):
    • ’fitness_function’ - objective function to be minimized (func),

    • ’ndim_problem’ - number of dimensionality (int),

    • ’upper_boundary’ - upper boundary of search range (array_like),

    • ’lower_boundary’ - lower boundary of search range (array_like).

  • options (dict) –

    optimizer options with the following common settings (keys):
    • ’max_function_evaluations’ - maximum of function evaluations (int, default: np.inf),

    • ’max_runtime’ - maximal runtime to be allowed (float, default: np.inf),

    • ’seed_rng’ - seed for random number generation needed to be explicitly set (int);

    and with the following particular settings (keys):
    • ’sigma’ - initial global step-size, aka mutation strength (float),

    • ’mean’ - initial (starting) point, aka mean of Gaussian search distribution (array_like),

      • if not given, it will draw a random sample from the uniform distribution whose search range is bounded by problem[‘lower_boundary’] and problem[‘upper_boundary’].

    • ’n_individuals’ - number of offspring, aka offspring population size (int, default: 4 + int(3*np.log(problem[‘ndim_problem’]))),

    • ’n_parents’ - number of parents, aka parental population size (int, default: int(options[‘n_individuals’]/2)).


Use the black-box optimizer FMAES to minimize the well-known test function Rosenbrock:

 1>>> import numpy  # engine for numerical computing
 2>>> from pypop7.benchmarks.base_functions import rosenbrock  # function to be minimized
 3>>> from import FMAES
 4>>> problem = {'fitness_function': rosenbrock,  # to define problem arguments
 5...            'ndim_problem': 2,
 6...            'lower_boundary': -5.0*numpy.ones((2,)),
 7...            'upper_boundary': 5.0*numpy.ones((2,))}
 8>>> options = {'max_function_evaluations': 5000,  # to set optimizer options
 9...            'seed_rng': 2022,
10...            'mean': 3.0*numpy.ones((2,)),
11...            'sigma': 3.0}  # global step-size may need to be fine-tuned for better performance
12>>> fmaes = FMAES(problem, options)  # to initialize the optimizer class
13>>> results = fmaes.optimize()  # to run the optimization/evolution process
14>>> print(f"FMAES: {results['n_function_evaluations']}, {results['best_so_far_y']}")
15FMAES: 5000, 1.3259e-17

For its correctness checking of Python coding, please refer to this code-based repeatability report for all details. For pytest-based automatic testing, please see


initial (starting) point, aka mean of Gaussian search distribution.




number of offspring, aka offspring population size.




number of parents, aka parental population size.




final global step-size, aka mutation strength.




Beyer, H.G., 2020, July. Design principles for matrix adaptation evolution strategies. In Proceedings of Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Companion (pp. 682-700).

Loshchilov, I., Glasmachers, T. and Beyer, H.G., 2019. Large scale black-box optimization by limited-memory matrix adaptation. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 23(2), pp.353-358.

Beyer, H.G. and Sendhoff, B., 2017. Simplify your covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategy. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 21(5), pp.746-759.

Please refer to the official Matlab version from Prof. Beyer: